Brettyn Rose has been a staple in Okotoks for years now as she has been the main singer for the national anthem at Dawgs games and during the seventh-inning stretch.

What started as Rose just reaching out to the Dawgs when she was in her teens, has turned into a great relationship between the two and having Rose sing for the games has been a real treat.

"It started when I was 16 or 17, I just reached out to the Dawgs because I wanted to get more involved with my community. I reached out saying 'I am an anthem singer, I would love an opportunity to sing', and they said they already had their season booked," Rose said.

"But then they said they would call me if there was ever any cancellations. Sure enough, I think a week or two later they emailed me at five o'clock and said, 'can you sing tonight?'. I was like, yeah, I can, so I went, and I sang. The next season they invited me to be the full-time anthem singer."

Rose has thoroughly enjoyed her experience being called upon to be the face of the national anthems at Seaman Stadium.

"I really love it, it's such a great feeling to be a part of my community that way and celebrate Canada at the start of every game, and just play a small role in each Dawgs home game. I love it so much," she said.

When it comes to singing the national anthem and the seventh inning stretch, the anthem is Rose's favourite as it's at the start of the game, energy is flowing with the crowd all singing along.

Rose cut her teeth in anthem singing when she got the opportunity to sing at a Calgary Hitmen game. Singing has been a passion of hers as she is also a country singer and started playing shows around the age of 14. Singing the anthem at sporting events has helped prepare her for her country music shows.

Logan Grant, Spencer Sullican and Tucker Zdunich standing and paying respects to O Canada.(Left to right) Logan Grant, Spencer Sullivan, and Tucker Zdunich standing while paying respects to O Canada.

"I would definitely say so, it's such a unique experience. I think it's one of the most vulnerable positions you can be in as an artist because out there, usually acapella, and for like the Hitmen you are in an arena. Even for the Dawgs you are in front of thousands of people, and you are singing by yourself, you can't mess up the anthem, everyone knows the words. That is the one song that everyone will know at whatever event you are at, and you can't screw it up. I think it's definitely helped me be prepared for shows and just being in front of an audience that large all by myself is good practice for sure," Rose explained.

While she gets more nervous singing at the Canada Day games for the Dawgs, it's something she embraces and loves to do.

"It's my absolute favourite game to sing because everyone is so patriotic and everyone in the stadium sings along. It's almost so loud I can't hear myself singing and that's just the best thing ever. I remember the very first season after the pandemic when everyone sang O Canada, I cried a little bit after because it was such a cool moment hearing everyone finally singing again together," she said.

Rose spoke about how proud she is to be from Canada because of the community that is built throughout the country and mentioned how close Albertans are with each other. When asked about advice for kids who want to follow her footsteps, she said to just follow your dreams, it's something she has done and its paid dividends for her.

You can hear Rose sing at Dawgs game throughout the year and has confirmed she will be singing the national anthem at Seaman Stadium during the Dawgs Canada Day game. Okotoks will host the Swift Current 57's at 7:05 on July 1st.