Over 170 teams came to Okotoks last weekend for the biggest tournament on the local outdoor soccer schedule. 

The annual Okotoks United Soccer Association (OUSA) Jamboree took place from June 14-16 with teams coming from across Alberta to play.

Roughly 2,500 players suited up for the Jamboree, playing in 28 divisions across 22 fields in the town. 

Games were played at Bill Robertson Park, Kinsmen Park, Dr. Morris Gibson School, Howard Park, Drake Landing, and Air Ranch. 

Among the big winners of the Jamboree were the OUSC BU10 DA (Wonderham) team who won gold in their division. They beat the West Hills United Lasers 2-1. 

Teams from Calgary, Edmonton, and Lethbridge also picked up medals in the tournament. 

You can see the full schedule and results from the Jamboree on the OUSA website. 

The Radiothon is this Thursday on The Eagle 100.9The Radiothon is this Thursday on The Eagle 100.9