On Monday, June 10, Abby Fourtier was out walking her dogs, on-leash, in the Cimarron Neighbourhood of Okotoks, when she encountered an off-leash dog.

The dog was unattended, so she decided to turn around and bring her two dogs back home, but unfortunately, the off-leash dog charged at Fourtier and her own dogs.

"My little dog, 14 pounds, tried to protect me and my other dog and went to go at that dog," explains Fourtier. "And it took her in its mouth and shook her. I was trying to kick it, I was screaming for help. Other people came. I don't think anyone really knew what to do, because once it had its jaws around her, it was not stopping until the owner came and pulled it off."

Fourtier's dog was a 1.5-year-old mixed breed, who was rescued from the Dominican last February, where she was found with barbed wire wrapped around her neck and her baby deceased beside her.

The aggressive dog was an American Staffordshire Terrier.

During the incident, Fourtier's other dog got loose and took off back home.

In order to keep her other dog safe, she went after it and then came back and brought her injured to the vet.

"My dog was still alive at that point, but halfway to the vet, she did die," Fourtier explains.

After calling bylaw, an officer arrived and spoke with the aggressive dog owner.

While Fourtier says she had not witnessed that dog off-leash before this incident, she heard from people in her neighbourhood who say they have seen this dog and others off-leash and unattended prior to this incident.

"People have been chased by these dogs. As time goes on, people are going to forget that this happened. And I think, right now, people are being very diligent with their dogs, obviously after this has happened, but as time goes on, and people get more complacent and forget about it, and these things happen. I don't want my dog's death to be for nothing. I want to speak out about being a responsible pet owner," Fourtier says.

She adds that it isn't fair that now she is afraid of taking her other dog for a walk, let alone taking her three-year-old son.

On top of that, Fourtier is also stuck with the vet bill for bringing in her dog.

Vikram Kulkarni, the Okotoks Municipal Enforcement Manager, says the owner of the aggressive dog has been cooperating with the bylaw officers while they have been completing their investigation.

"The aggressor dog has been euthanized," explains Kulkarni. "And the three charges under the responsible pet ownership bylaw have been laid. One had to do with an animal at large. The second, an animal bite, attack, and kill. And the third one was an unlicensed dog."

Kulkarni says the owner of the aggressor dog voluntarily put the dog down.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time the Town was made aware of this specific dog.

Two years prior to this incident, bylaw was made aware of another incident involving this same dog.

At the time, it was suggested that the owner of the dog take it for training to prevent further incidents.

"Since the last two years, we haven't heard anything in terms of somebody reporting it into our channels. So, we were satisfied with the outcome at the time. There were no issues since and then this comes up," Kulkarni says.

He added that he is giving the owner of the aggressive dog some credit for recognizing that the dog's behaviour was unacceptable.

While there isn't a bylaw in the Town of Okotoks that states if an aggressive dog bites or harms another, it must be euthanized, Kulkarni says it's generally on a case-by-case basis.

"Overall, this is a tragic incident with the worst possible outcome for both animals and their owners. And we recognize this is a difficult time and urge all pet owners to be vigilant and responsible, ensuring their pets are properly restrained and supervised at all times. For us, the priority is the safety and well-being of our community, which is of the utmost importance."

Kulkarni says bylaw officers see dogs off-leash all over town and wants to remind people to be respectful of their neighbours, to follow the bylaws, and to keep dogs on leash.

Which, as this case proves, can save a dog's life.

To learn more about animal safety and bylaws in the Town of Okotoks, click here.


The Radiothon is this ThursdayThe Radiothon is this Thursday on The Eagle 100.9