I'd like to start off with saying: You've done well! You should be proud of yourself.

Living a life of isolation for like 7 weeks is no small feat and there's been moments that you've been close to breaking but you've kept it together.

WELL. I can officially say I HAVE CRACKED. And the thing that made me crack is something that truly caught me off guard.

It was yesterday, May 4th, 9:10 a.m., a gloomy day but I was full of optimism as a new week was upon us full of post "Covid life" dreams and wonders.

That's when it happened.

My favorite pen ran out of ink. MY FAVORITE PEN. GONE. 😭

I'm not proud of myself but I had a full on 2007 Britney Spears meltdown. After all these weeks of staying strong that's what did it, that's what pushed me over the edge....my fav pen running out of ink. LOL.

(Britney Spears 2007 Meltdown for reference.)

It just wrote so smooth....and it was the last thing I had from the Eagle 100.9 office....because I stole it to stay close to my peers. hahah. Talk about end of an era. (The pen...not the Eagle!)

Due to circumstances obviously we are all going to be a little irritable/emotional lol. SO I want to know what's something small that has happened to you while isolated that usually you wouldn't blink an eye to but it sent you into a fiery or emotional whirlwind?

Here's an examples for you: Natasha from the Eagle said she thought she was fine and dandy in isolation until it came to ordering takeout one night and she got the wrong drink! Cue a tsunami of emotions. (hahah I feel your pain girl.)

SO comment on Facebook and we can all have a little laugh together! (Because the pen dying was RATHER ridiculous...I can admit that now.😂) But it really is the small things that get you!


~Shayne on Midday 😁