With cybercrimes being on the rise, including an Okotoks business that recently had their Facebook account hacked, a local business is reaching out to help.

JEI Tech in High River is offering a free 4-part webinar series running every Tuesday in February.

Scott Coleman, Operations Manager with JEI Tech, says they know how demanding people's schedules are so, the seminars won't take too much of your time.

"We're trying to make it simple and easy for people to join, where anybody can join online if you head over to our website, we've got a pop up that you can sign up for. We're trying to make it short and sweet, trying to be less than 15 minutes with a Q and A at the end."

Coleman likes to use analogy everyone can relate to in order to drive home the message.

"What we're trying to do is paint a picture of driving down the road without the need for using your airbags or your guard rails to keep your car on the road. The car is your business, your employees are inside the car, and so putting policies, procedures, recommendations, training your employees when it comes to common things in cybersecurity rather than relying on things like email filtering and multifactor authentication to protect you."

The first webinar runs Tuesday February 6th and all four of the webinars start at 11:00 a.m.