The Alberta government has come up with a new draft design for its K-to-six curriculum.

Minister Adriana LaGrange says they'll no longer implement the entire curriculum next September.

"We had planned to implement all subjects next fall, September of 2022, so we have heard from teachers that this is simply not possible due to the workload and resource constraints, instead we will phase in curriculum implementation by staggering subjects by starting this fall with three key subjects, English, Language Arts and Literature, Mathematics and Physical Education and Wellness," said LaGrange.

She says students will learn things like consent and financial literacy as part of the Phys-Ed an Wellness subject.

They're looking for more feedback from an advisory panel, that will be set up in the new year, on other subjects like the controversial social studies draft.

"Students will continue to learn about History, Geography, Economics, Government and Political Systems and civics and citizenship through K-to-six."

Climate change is now a part of the proposed new Social Studies curriculum and students will learn that it can be caused by both humans and through natural causes and clean energy production's potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

There were concerns with the originally proposed curriculum that Residential Schools would not be taught until Grade 5.

LaGrange says right now it's not being taught until Grade 10 and the province moved that up to Grade 5 and today it's been moved up to Grade 4.

The head of the Alberta School Boards Association Marilyn Dennis says while the announcement Monday isn't a complete delay it's a step in the right direction.

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