Three local school principals were recently acknowledged by the Alberta Teachers Association Council for School Leadership.

All three have been selected as recipients of the ATA's Council for School Leadership Distinguished Leadership Award.

Debbie Payne, Principal at Turner Valley School was recognized as a passionate advocate for rural education and getting involved in the community.  She welcomes students to excel with diverse academic and extra-academic options. She's also focused on numeracy and literacy skills along with personalized and trauma-aware practice.

“As a recipient of this year's Distinguished Leadership Award, I am filled with gratitude and humility. This Award represents the collective efforts of every team I have ever had the pleasure of working with, every mentor, and every person in my life who has supported me. I am grateful for the people who believed in me, challenged me, and helped me grow. I am humbled that my leadership is worthy of recognition, and I am reminded that leadership is not about titles or accolades. It's about leading with purpose, compassion and resilience every single day.” Debbie Payne, Principal at Turner Valley School

Karla Davis, the Principal at Millarville Community School was acknowledged through their passion for inquiry-based learning. According to the release from the Foothills School Division it has been at the core of her teaching and her leadership in the school community.

“I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for this recognition. During my time working in education, I have had the honour of working with so many talented and supportive educators. It is a privilege to be recognized amongst the many gifted educators of the province. Being a school principal and teacher has been rewarding and learning alongside so many educators and students in this country and abroad has been truly fulfilling. Thank you for this honour; it serves as a significant milestone in my lifelong learning journey.” Karla Davis, Principal at Millarville Community School

Scott Flintoft, Principal at Red Deer Lake School has been noted for being an innovative leader fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity with both staff and students. His positivity helps with an inclusive culture with parents, students, and staff.

“Receiving this award for school leadership is a great honour and a testament to the collective effort of the entire Red Deer Lake community. I'm grateful for the opportunities to contribute to this supportive and engaged community with our school’s larger team. Thank you for this recognition to our work at Red Deer Lake!” Scott Flintoft, Principal at Red Deer Lake School

All three will be honoured at a recognition luncheon on June 5 hosted by the Foothills School Division Board of Trustees.  Then they will be recognized provincially at the CSL Gala in Edmonton on June 7 where they will receive their plaque.