I think a lot of us have reached the "I'm over it" level with a lot of things during the pandemic.

Especially all the single people out there just trying to find love in a socially distanced world...IT'S NEAR IMPOSSIBLE and quite frankly we're over it!

Until now.

Some friends in Calgary (that are quite rooted within the Foothills) have decided to change the dating game, take it into their own hands if you will.

They've come up with the 'Mik Winter Games' and it's about to give a WHOLE lot of single men a chance at love. (and it's going to give us bystanders a WHOLE lot of entertainment in the days of restrictions.)

Let me break it down for you:

This is Steve & Alyssa McMasters.

You may recognize them as the famous "Christmas Card Couple".

They are newly married but knew that they met their match, well, the day they met really!

They have a super fun love and an awesome relationship but Mik Winter Games isn't about them...it's about their friend Mikaila Cooper.

Steve and Alyssa want all their friends to have a happy ending like them, so when they heard their friend was looking for love but wasn't having much luck (like everyone during the pandemic) they wanted to do their part...their way.

This is Mikaila Cooper.

And if you're single and living in the province of Alberta you get a chance to win her love in the Mik Winter Games! (how fun!)

So what's going to happen is if you're interested in having some fun during the lockdown and you also want to possibly, maybe, find the love of your life this is for you!

The crew will be accepting applications from male contenders until January 25th and then Steve & Alyssa will be narrowing it down to a top 10.

With a friend and male perspective, the couple thought it would set Mikaila up for a fun and hopefully successful dating experience!

From the top 10, Mikaila will get to go through a ZOOM meet and greet, Q&A's, and a series of challenges/games to pick her pandemic prince!

And the best part....we get to watch it allllll happen! They'll be live streaming the event on January 30th! (Think Bachelorette but local!)

And the best BEST part is (other than watching our girl Mik find love) the male contenders that don't make her cut could make YOUR cut...they're local, so what's stopping any ladies watching out there from sliding into their dm's?


Love for Mikaila. Love for a Mik Contender. Entertainment for us. What's not to love?

For more information on where to apply and how you can join the Mik Winter Games fun listen here:

(You must be 18 years or older/live within Alberta)

To creep Mikaila and watch the promo video for Mik Winter games hit up her Instagram - @mikailacooper

Happy Dating & Best of Luck to all those participating...we'll be counting the days till we can watch it live! 😂


And remember this is supposed to be for fun/mainly as a joke so don't take anything too serious y'all, this crew is just trying to pass time safely and create some fun in a really tough time.