A "Republic of Alberta" flag was hoisted in the foothills on Tuesday, the day of the province's anniversary.

Headed by "Alberta4All," a group dedicated to Alberta independence founded in June, the hoisting served as the finale to their "3-2-1 Freedom Event."

The event saw Alberta4All's Executive Director CW Alexander make a speech in downtown Calgary, joined by several "business leaders" with whom he hopes to grow the group.

Alexander is no stranger to Alberta politics, having run as an MLA candidate with the Alberta Independence Party in the 2019 provincial election.

He says his disillusionment with both the federal and provincial party system is one he shares with many Albertans.

"I think there was a lot of hope that the Kenney government was going to actually defend Alberta against Ottawa against the socialist communism and otherwise that's coming out of there and the regulatory policies that are crushing Alberta, but what we've found is that it's nothing but letters being sent and really no defence of Alberta."

Executive Director of Alberta4All, CW Alexander.

The group touts a vision for Alberta that would see the province separate into an independent republic consisting of 87 societies, each with an elected representative.

Alexander says the call for independence has stayed strong following the surge last year after the re-election of the Trudeau government.

He says he hopes to see the unification of the various independence groups that have been formed in recent months.

"There is definitely a move towards some unification, there are societies being formed across Alberta, various parties are doing various efforts. I think ultimately we will see a move towards consolidation of all the various movements into one large entity that ultimately we can be a clear choice and alternative for a majority government versus any of the left or right parties that exist in Alberta."

The flag is flying on a property adjacent to Highway 2, and will remain there until an independent Alberta republic is formed, according to Alexander.

He says the location is a significant one when it comes to the message of Alberta's independence.

"That's the location in which a long-time Albertan had placed a trailer that said 'more Alberta, less Ottawa,' and so we've continued that presence by putting up and hoisting a Republic of Alberta flag as a symbol of a new Alberta that can rise towards independence to become the number one GDP per-capita nation on earth."

According to Alexander, one of Alberta4All's main goals is to educate Albertans of the benefit of forming an independent republic over the next three years, until September 1st, 2023, the first date an independence referendum can be held.

Several events are being held to promote the group's message in the meantime, one of which is to be held at Elks Hall in Okotoks later this month.


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