Thursday, August 27th was the BBQ for 'Fight For Tanner' a fundraiser for Tanner Swaby.

The Swaby family released a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the BBQ at Big Sky BBQ where they raised over $5000.

The Praire Dogz also attended the fundraiser to provide entertainment for the event.

The Family also wanted to thank the silent auction donators:

D’Arcy Ranch
Crystal Ridge Golf Club
Sherpa Wood Creations
Northern Night Lights
Home Hardware
Praxis Fabrication
Plant it Modern
Saskatoon Farm
Calgary Flames
Outlash Studio
Swept Away Green
Ground Four Contractors
Willow Park Wines & Spirits
Eau Claire Distillery
Buffalo Response
Pet Valu
Korth Group
Supper Studio
Norscan Productions
Finishing Touches
Glynn & Sue Parker
Bridgette Blais

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