National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada is on June 21st, and the Town of Okotoks is hosting a pipe ceremony to commemorate it.

The pipe Ceremony is returning for its third year and will happen at the Town's tipi in Ethel Tucker Park.

"The ceremony is going to be run by two knowledge keepers, a Blackfoot male and Blackfoot female," explained Indigenous Relations Advisor for the Town of Okotoks, Desmond Jackson. "It's for everybody in the community and people outside the community to attend and join in on prayers. That's what the Pipe Ceremony is all about. We're going to be offering prayers and asking the Creator to help us to be better stewards of land, and be good neighbours, and that we can get along and be good friends. That's the purpose of the Pipe ceremony."

Jackson said this is an opportunity for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate all Indigenous peoples in the county, along with their unique heritage, diverse cultures, and the contributions to society that Indigenous people make.

"I'm very proud as a Niitsitapi, as a Blackfoot man, to be Blackfoot, and this is a great day to highlight our culture and to celebrate our heritage. It's a special day for us to just be recognized and to be seen. I encourage everybody, Indigenous or not, to come out and support and to experience a little bit of Blackfoot Culture on this day," Jackson says.

Dustin Walter and Shelly Eli are the two knowledgekeepers who will be at the ceremony.

After the ceremony there will be bannock and berry soup served for everyone who attended.

For generations, many Indigenous peoples have celebrated their heritage and culture on or near the summer solstice, due to its significance as the longest day of the year.

"It would be amazing, and it would be very humbling to have many people come and experience this and to offer prayers and to support our Indigenous community," Jackson says.

The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will run until 3:30 p.m.

The Radiothon is tomorrow, Thursday on The Eagle 100.9The Radiothon is tomorrow, Thursday on The Eagle 100.9