The Okotoks Recreation Centre has a new mural.

The new piece of art, commissioned to commemorate the upcoming 2023 Alberta Summer Games can be seen adorning a wall near the curling rink.

Scott Clark, an experienced mural artist who had previously painted a window mural in the town’s municipal building, was selected for the project.

With over 20 years of mural painting under his belt, he's got a fairly refined process.

“For this one, they wanted me to include 14 sports activities and to have something to do with ‘rock the games.’ I took that concept, worked out a fast rough, then I develop it through a second rough, and it kind of evolved organically. Everybody takes a look at it, I did some more revisions, and that’s what you see now.”

community piano

Something that’s unique about his Summer Games mural is the inclusion of the rec centre’s community piano, which was incorporated into the design at the request of the town.

“The idea was to work it into the theme of ‘rock the games.’ The piano was used to invite people in and to imagine that the music is the fuel to generate the activity in the mural design. I tried to incorporate it that way.”

summer games mural

The Summer Games are being hosted in Okotoks and Diamond Valley from July 20-23.