The High River Rotary Club's Lobster Boil brought in over $40,000.

The Saturday, June 1 event kicked off the month in style at the Highwood Centre in downtown High River.

The lobster and prime rib event even included Alberta Premier Danielle Smith in attendance.

President of the club Orvella Small said they were thrilled with the evening.

"It was just fantastic and the Travelling Mabels were amazing. The silent auction items were amazing, the food was to die for."

The funds raised will go back into the community as part of their legacy projects.

Small explains, "Some of the things we're going to do is our legacy projects.  We're expecting to do multiple projects over four years. But the last project will probably take a little more funds and we're kind of looking at nailing that down, but we want to do legacy projects every year. Some will cost funds, and some won't like our first one coming up is a blood donor clinic. And so, that will become an annual event after this year so it will be a legacy project to keep going. Most of it [the money raised] will be used locally and then, of course, we have our international projects. An example of that is we have a 'See Can' project and so it's a sea can that goes overseas and it's used to check people's eyes. This will be our second sea can that we've done doing that so, there's a lot of projects we're going to do internationally and locally."

If you're interested in learning more or joining the Rotary Club of High River, click on the link here.