The 'Tour for Humanity' came to Notre Dame Collegiate in High River last Thursday, May 23.

Educator Simon Busse taught students about the Holocaust, the reasons and the causes, and the results and how they are mirroring current conditions in the world. 

Educator Simon Busse spoke to students at NDC about 'The Holocaust: Then and Now'.Educator Simon Busse spoke to students at NDC about 'The Holocaust: Then and Now'.

The converted RV can seat 30 students at a time and allows the educator, Simon Busse to share a history lesson with students with state-of-the-art technology.

The tour is put on by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies.

One thing he focuses on is teaching students to separate truth from fiction and the conspiracies about the Holocaust.

"And one of the things that we like to teach about is that fact there is all this information but there's lots of misinformation or disinformation and that's the stuff we like to make the students aware of."

The 'Tour for Humanity' has reached over 200,000 students across Canada since 2013.

Busse says it's incredibly important the message is shared with youth in Canada.

"Sadly, we see this rise in hatred all over Canada and police reports have said that a quarter of those hate crimes are done by students aged 12 to 17."

He added that once their message is shared with students, they are much more receptive to making positive changes in the school and their communities.