The historic Cable Tool Spudder Rig that sat next to the Okotoks Art Gallery has been moved.

Cable Tool Rigs were originally used to drill for oil, gas, and water in the early 1900's.

This specific rig was used in Montana in the 1920s but made its way to the Town of Okotoks after it was donated in 2004 by the Okotoks Petroleum Association.

Due to some upcoming work in the area as part of the Downtown's Next Chapter, the Town needed to move the rig.

After trying to find a new home, the Edmonton Oilfield Technical Society stepped up and offered to take in the rig and display it in its museum.

The Spudder Rig is being moved to Edmonton

On June 19th, crews dismantled the Rig and began transporting it up to Edmonton.

Once in Edmonton, the rig will be set up and put on display for all to see.

To learn more about the Rig, click here.