Municipal leaders recently voted at the Municipal Leaders' Caucus two-day event.

The event was hosted by Alberta Municipalities, formerly known as Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA), and the municipal leaders voted to reject the UCPs proposed models for a provincial police force. 

The vote was 144-34.

High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass says he wasn't surprised.

"The reason why municipalities spoke up at *AUMA is because we are the ones that manage our local RCMP detachments and pay the bills for it so there's a lot of concerns with this provincial police force as to what the actual costs actually look like."

"There isn't a lot of clarity there as to how this is going to go, don't just think the grass is greener on the other side because it's often not," he says.

He says the concern is the Kenney government is just trying to ram this idea through.

Some leaders have called for a provincial referendum so Albertans can have their say.


*AUMA changed their name to Alberta Municipalities in Nov. 2021