Marv's Classic Soda Shop isn't completely out of our lives.

Marv Garriott is now selling the seasonings and malt he used in his diner over the years.

"The seasoning, actually, came from a very high-end restaurant in Calgary, years and years and years ago. And I have used it in probably four restaurants that I've had over the years," explains Garriott. "And we started off with it in 1986. And we sold thousands of steaks with it, and French fries, fish, poultry, everything. Popcorn. It goes on everything."

While malted milkshakes are a popular item in Canada, Garriott says that malt can be used in various different recipes.

"The malt is a little harder sell, because people don't really know anything about it in Canada," Garriott says. "But I remember growing up here in High River, my mother used to make everything, actually, with malt. We always had malt powder in the house. She used to make everything from butterscotch pudding to cookies to whatever. She used malt in everything."

Garriott says he is trying to educate people about the possibilities malt has beyond being mixed with milk and ice cream.

Garriott's seasoning and malt will be sold through the Juniper Creek store in High River.