
There was some logging in the south end of Kananaskis Country over the winter.

While we originally reported that West Fraser Timber was involved in the logging south of Highwood Junction, they have replied with a statement to clarify the situation.

"We are in the process of meeting with local groups that are interested in sharing information regarding forestry operations in the region. We will work to incorporate actionable information that we garner through these conversations into our future harvest plans for the Highwood.  West Fraser did not have any harvesting activity in the area this past winter and continue to pause our operations in the area. "

West Fraser Timber bought out Spray Lake Sawmills in 2023 and now secures the contract for 1,100 hectares located 21 km north of the Highway 40 gate at the Highwood Junction. West Fraser Timber agreed late last year not to do any logging in the area without further consultation with local groups.

We will continue to follow this story and will provide an update. 


Original story:

There was some logging in the south end of Kananaskis Country over the winter.

While West Fraser Timber agreed not to log north of the Highway 40 road closure gate over the winter, extensive logging was done south of the Highwood Junction.

West Fraser Timber, which bought out Spray Lake Sawmills, said they would hold off until they talked to concerned parties but that didn't happen with the logging down south of the Highwood Junction along Highway 940.

The snow covered sections behind Highwood House, across the Highwood River were logged over the winter. The snow-covered sections behind Highwood House, across the Highwood River were logged over the winter. 

A logging road was built just off Highway 940, approximately 1 km south of Highwood House while another road was built at the trailhead of Baril Creek Trail.

High River's Mayor Craig Snodgrass says the town wasn't notified of the recent logging however, it did not go over the Highwood River.

"The only time we've talked to them was with Spray Lakes when they owned it and that was some years ago."

Mayor Snodgrass also expressed his concern over upcoming logging in south K-Country as it will affect the Highwood River and part of the town's watershed.

"When we start going Highway 40 and continuing west on the Kananaskis Highway that should be a very sacred area that we protect."

We have reached out to West Fraser Timber and West Fraser Cochrane via email and phone calls but have yet to hear back from them.