An Okotokian is asking for the return of her Little Free Library.

Little Free Libraries can be seen scattered across Okotoks. They function as public bookcases where locals can share the books they love and discover new ones.

Kathleen Honeychurch built one herself with help from a skilled carpenter friend and brought it along with her when she moved to Okotoks from Nanton seven months ago.

Over the Victoria Day long weekend, Honeychurch noticed that it had seemingly vanished.

She thinks it might have been a misunderstanding to do with the Parade of Garage Sales.

“We didn’t know about this tradition with the garage sales, and we didn’t participate in it. But I found out afterwards that there is this tradition of putting out whatever didn’t sell from the garage sale near the sidewalk if you want it taken away. Our Little Free Library contained books and everything, and it was on a bench, and everything was taken.”

Not only had she built it, but she had also been maintaining it for a few years.

“It’s not just a box that contains books, it has to be weather-proofed, insect-proofed, and maintained. We’ve been maintaining it for a number of years already.”

Honeychurch says it was being put to good use before it disappeared.

“It was wonderfully used in this location. Our neighbours have been great about donating books, books were circulating really nicely in this location. I hope, whatever happens to it, that it will continue to provide reading pleasure for people.”

She’s hoping the library will simply be returned to her home at 107 Sheep River Drive.

“If it was returned, there’d be no questions asked because it could have been taken in error.”