The Okotoks Dawgs put on a dominating performance tonight (May 24) taking out the Brooks Bombers 11-0 in the season opener for both teams.

The 2024 Okotoks Dawgs.The 2024 Okotoks Dawgs.

In his seventh season, Graham Brunner would take the mound first for the Dawgs. Brunner wouldn't allow a single Bomber to cross home plate in all five innings he pitched and only allowed 5 hits.

The Dawgs would open the scoring in the second inning getting four runs across home plate. With bases loaded, Eiji Sawamura from Tokyo Japan would hit a single to centre field allowing Caleb Lumbard and Aidan Rose to score the first two runs of the game. Sawamura would finish with three RBIs on the night.

Caleb Lumbard making contact with the ball.Caleb Lumbard making contact with the ball.

The hometown infielder Connor Crowson would have himself a night, starting by getting two RBIs in the second inning with a single to centre field. He would finish the game with four hits, two runs, four RBIs and got the Dawgs' first home run of the season in the bottom of the eighth. 

The Dawgs will host their second game in as many nights tomorrow (May 25) at Seaman Stadium at 7:05 p.m. against the Lethbridge Bulls.