Flood protection berms in Diamond Valley might get upgrades soon.

New draft flood maps show that three of the town's four berms aren't providing as much flood protection as they were intended to.

The berms were originally built following the 2013 flood as protection from future high water events, though the town notes that they were built to standards from previous flood mapping done in 1992.

Now the town is considering upgrading them, but they're also asking locals for their two cents.

The town has launched a survey to "identify priorities and the level of flood protection desired by the community."

Three options are being considered for each berm: maintaining the current level, raising the berm to meet provincial standard, and increasing the level above provincial standard.

The latter two options carry estimated costs ranging from $180,000 to $930,000.

Survey participants will also have a chance to comment on what kinds of developments they think should be allowed in flood-prone areas, and what other flood protection methods the town should consider.

The public survey runs from January 22 to February 4.

It can be found on the town's website, along with information provided at an open house session from August of 2023.