Friday, January 12 was one of the coldest days on record in the province with many local records broken.

Environment and Climate Change Canada reported 38 municipalities set cold records including some in our own backyard.

High River bottomed out at -40.2 degrees Celsius breaking the old low of -35.0 from 1997.

Claresholm dropped to -39.3 degrees, breaking their 1997 record of -33.7.

Stavely also set a new low temperature record of -39.1 which was 3.5 degrees colder than the previous -35.6 record from 1916.

And Strathmore also broke a record with a temperature of -36.8, just beating their old 1916 record of -36.7 degrees Celsius.

All the way down in Waterton they also hit one of the coldest temperatures in the province at -43.6, smashing their old record of -38.1 from 1998.

Sunday saw some broken weather records too.

High River's low of -40.2 broke a January 15 record, previously set in 1997 with a low of -35.

Claresholm edged out a previous record, with -38.6 degrees beating the previous 1951 record of -37.8

But we should be getting a reprieve from the cold with a high of -8 degrees Celsius expected Tuesday.