The High River & District Chamber of Commerce is looking for a few good people to join up.

Executive director Lisa Szabon-Smith says they have their Annual General Meeting coming up on Wednesday, March 27.

"If you are wanting to become a director or part of our executive you do need to be a member in good standing. So, you can sign up online or email me directly at and I can send you all the information to get you set up."

It's happening at Mr. Mike's at 7:30 p.m. with an optional dinner at 6:30 if you like.

The Chamber also has an employee benefits package that could really help out local small businesses.

"They are providing a free info session called 'Recruit, Reward and Retain' to help businesses better understand the benefit of providing group benefits, health insurance plans to their employees. 

That meeting is on Thursday, March 21, and you'll need to sign up on their website.