The Town of Okotoks is currently accepting applications from businesses in town for their Water Smart Business Grant.

This grant will be awarded to businesses and institutions that have done upgrades to their building and property to help them become more water-efficient.

Businesses that made water efficiency upgrades can apply for a grant worth up to $10,000.

The types of projects that qualify for the grant are water-wise landscaping/xeriscape, irrigation system energy efficiency upgrades, rain or stormwater capture and reuse projects, and indoor water fixture upgrades.

Some examples of the types of projects that will be covered are rain sensors for irrigation systems, installing above-ground rainwater harvesting systems over 1000 gallons in place of the potable water supply, replacing high water using appliances and fixtures, and installing drought-tolerant landscaping.

This grant will help to cover the cost of materials for the project, the labour for a professional to install the equipment, and approved landscaping products.

In order for a project to be approved for the grant, it needs to fall within a set of requirements to be considered.

For outdoor projects, they must have a calculated projection of at least 15 to 30 per cent of water savings to qualify.

For indoor projects, for each fixture to be approved for the grant, they must each provide a 20 per cent reduction in water use.

In the application for the grant, businesses are asked to include what kind of upgrades are planned, details about the project, estimate how much the upgrades will help in saving water, and provide how much the project will cost.

Once the town has received the application, they will evaluate the projects and determine which ones will receive grant funding.

Applications will be responded to within three weeks of submission.

The town will then pay out the grant money once the project is completed and given a final inspection.

While each business can be awarded up to $10,000 for these projects, the town is only providing a total of $40,000 for all water-saving projects this year.

Even though the final application deadline is November 15, they are issuing grants on a first come, first serve basis until all of the $40,000 has been awarded.

Click here for more information on the grant on how to apply.