High River has really turned into a Halloween Town after the initiation of the Light Up High River Halloween Contest, 3 years ago.

Homeowners really get into the spirit of the dark and spooky here and put on a huge display.

One competitor Jo Merritt says her house's theme is 'Rock the Graveyard' and she has been going all out for 7 years.

"This is our seventh year and we've only been here for eight. It's really something I jumped on right away. I was enthralled to see some of the houses around town and to see how all-out they go. That's what inspired me to share my love for all things dark and spooky."

Merritt says there's a rule in her house, that her family can get her Halloween theme gifts for any occasion, and she says that does cut down on the cost of decorations.

"I also only get myself one thing per year, and if it's a big item we have a family discussion about it. Once you're this big, it's actually nice to only add one thing per year." Merritt adds "Handmade things however are fair game."

One of her favourite pieces Merritt says is a character that changes year to year.

"My favourite piece is only for people who are willing to come all the way up to my door!" She says "There's character beside our front door and every year it's a completely different character."

She says she's already started to plan for the next year by the time November 1st rolls around, you can see Merritts rocking graveyard at 39 - 1st Ave SE.

Another of High River's favourite houses melds the dark and spooky with a theme of remembrance.

Travis Sandor's display (315 1st Ave SE) honours veterans, with white wooden crosses, mixed with some extra bits of horror.

After the ghouls and goblins go away, Sandor keeps his display up as a remembrance display and collects food for the foodbank.

"During these hard economic times and this time of year, the need for food grows for many." Sandor says on Facebook "Please help us, gather food for those in need.We are holding a Food Drive from November 1 - November 11 for the Foothills Salvation Army Food Bank. Our Remembrance Day Display will be lit from November 1st - 11th nightly, 6pm to 10pm. A drop-off box will be available to drop off donations and will be emptied nightly."

Here's a look at some of the contestants for this year's Light Up Halloween Contest.