Vulcan RCMP and Vulcan County Emergency Services will be running a mock impaired driving collision at the Cultural Recreation Center (CRC).

The reason behind this exercise is to show the effects of impaired driving and to highlight how first responders deal with these types of situations.

During the presentation, students can expect to see a video of the 911 call, followed by everyone proceeding outside to a live-action demonstration. Fire, EMS, RCMP, Vulcan County Peace Officers, RCMP Collision Analysts, RCMP Traffic Services, and HALO Air Ambulance will respond to the call and show how they deal with the victims and then how they handle the process of the crime scene.

Local partners in AFAB Towing, Vulcan Funeral Home, and the Town of Vulcan will also be in attendance. Once the collision scene has been processed, students will go back into the CRC to be debriefed by Fire and RCMP. They will then finish with a presentation from MADD.

The event will run on June 6th from 12-2 p.m.