Two people had to be rescued from the Highwood River on Friday.

The High River Fire Department, RCMP and EMS attended the scene just west of High River.

High River Chief of Fire and Community Safety Cody Zebedee said they got the call late Friday afternoon.

"We were called for two individuals that were stuck up against a log on the Highwood River just outside of the town limits. The individuals were tubing down the river and then ended up getting in contact with the big tree that had fallen into the river and were stuck up against it.

It happened just west of High River and Zebedee said thanks to teamwork they were able to execute the rescue safely.

"Between us and the RCMP and also there was a private resident that had their jet boat in the river so between the three parties we were able to get the individuals off the log and to safety."

Zebedee reminds residents that the river changes constantly so please wear a life jacket, plan your adventure and let others know about it.