The Town of Okotoks has created fun initiatives to help residents smile during what has been a difficult time for many.

One of these is the Chalk the Walk Challenge where residents are encouraged to break out their inner artist and use chalk on their driveways or sidewalks and share images of their creations to social media.

Bill Robertson, Mayor of Okotoks, says residents can also dress up their windows.

"A number of people have taken to putting stuffies and teddy bears in their windows so that when a young family is walking around and children spot these stuffies it gives them something to look for when they're out on their walk getting a little exercise. The other thing that people could put in their windows would be messages of hope. I think there's a number of things people can do just to brighten somebody else's day."

Robertson says small acts can make a significant impact on boosting mental health.

"The fact that a number of people are cut off from their friends and family or perhaps they're new in the community and don't have friends and family close by, they certainly can feel isolated... if everybody thought of somebody today in town who might be isolated and phoned them up and saw how they're doing and just wished them a good day." he explains. "They can do those things in a written form by writing out a card or something and dropping it off at a person's house by leaving it on their doorstep."

Robertson adds taking part in acts like this helps to remind residents that they are all in this together and they will get through this.

The Town is also asking residents to share positive stories on social media by using the hashtag #okotoksstrongertogether.


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