The High River Chamber of Commerce is about to launch its own rewards program.

Executive Director Lisa Szabon-Smith says it's a member-to-member rewards program.

"It is open to our chamber member businesses to be involved. They can choose to do discounts on products or services, offer free services, we kind of leave it up to their hands given that every business is different and can offer things differently, so they know their business best," she explains.

The rewards program will be available to owners and staff members of businesses that are chamber members.

"The whole point is to connect our business owners and their employees we will send out enough key tag cards for proof of membership for however many staff that the business owner indicates, and they can go to these participating businesses to receive those rewards. We're trying to keep our business in town and to keep everyone supporting one another locally so that we in essence create our own little internal thriving economy."

Szabon-Smith says it'll be officially released October 15 as part of Canadian Small Business Week although there are four businesses already signed up.

The rewards program doesn't have an expiry date, so it'll continue long term for chamber members in the town.

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