We're about to head into the weekend so lot's of time to get bidding on the Okotoks Online Auction! (You've got until the 25th!)

Here at the Eagle 100.9 headquarters, we've been cruising through the auction a TON. We basically know it like the back of our hand lol. 

So naturally, we have some auction faves that even WE have our eyes on. 

Take a journey with me as I walk you through our picks in this Christmas Auction 😌:

Logan: He's all about adventure and a challenge so Loge's wants to bid on the 10 Time Punch Pass from Wip Climbing! Have you ever gone bouldering!? Such a fun time AND your arms will be toned up in no time. Get this great deal for $58 today rather than it's usual $144! 

Shayne: It's all about the 10 Drop-in Punch Card to Goshinkan Jiujitsu for me! Self-defense, great work out AND it works out to only $6 per drop-in!? Sign me up! I mostly just want to learn these moves so I can make my boyfriend be my test subject lol. 

Harry: This guy loves a good game and he's actually been to the VRKade before and said it is a must for gamers! So obviously he's bidding on the 4 x $25 Game Tokens to VRKade. All the virtual reality gameplay a grown man or anyone could ask for! This item is a great stocking stuffer and you can get it for just $40 right now! (Can you say $60 savings!) 

Kristi: This girl loves a great workout so Kristi would bid on the One Year Membership to Motion Fitness! Not only are you signing up to a great facility, but you're also saving a ton of money! This membership only costs $345, which means less than a dollar a day you'll pay for this commitment. That's not hard at all! And if you want a day or five off you won't feel bad about it. 

Ben: He's got his eye on the $50 gift card to Village's Bistro in Carmangay. It's perfect for a date day out, a scenic drive out to Carmengay with stops in all the cute towns on your way, and a nice bite to eat to end it all off. The Village's Bistro has a cozy atmosphere that your date would love! And you'll love it too cause it's $20. 

Natasha: She's got the cutest little pup Mars to worry about when she is out of town so she'd bid on the 7 night/8 day ranch boarding from Paw Butler! You don't have to worry about your furry family when you've got Paw Butler looking after them! Your pup has 10 + hours of indoor/outdoor activities and 24/7 love from the butlers on site! Bid now and get it for only $140! 

^when you tell your dog you're taking them to Paw Butler 😂

Don't miss out on these HUGE savings! Spoil yourself and your family for like half the price this Christmas! 😊

~Shayne on Drive Home