I seriously can't make this stuff up you guys.

What if I told you I not only met former Calgary Flames forward, Curtis Glencross, last week but I bumped into him for a second time, not just in my life but in one single week!?

You'd think I was lying, wouldn't you? 

Well, before I dive into this story of chance, let me start by saying thank you for all the love everyone showed me in the comments of my "I hit a deer and Curtis Glencross helped me" blog, you all really made my weekend. 😃

Second, if you aren't familiar with the blog, give it a quick read before you dive into this one: So, I Hit a Deer the Other Night and You'll Never Guess Who Stopped to Help Me.

Third, I promise I'm not stalking Curtis Glencross, life just has a funny way of playing out sometimes. lol.

So, this weekend my parents gave me a call to let me know that my teen brother had a hockey game in Airdrie on Saturday night and that I should come up and watch it as it was actually in the area and not a million miles away in Oyen or some place like that. (Seriously, I'm not even being dramatic they play in Oyen sometimes!) 

I told them that this was actually very convenient for me as I was in northwest Calgary having dinner at a friends house so I could swing up to Airdrie to catch the game once I was finished.

Fast forward through dinner, my partner and I drive up and when we get to the arena I find my stepdad and he laughs and says, "you're never going to guess who's here playing a fundraiser hockey game."

I said, "who?" 

He answered, "Your friend Curtis Glencross." 

*cue hysterical laughter* 


This man just helped me on Monday night and then just five days later we were in the same spot once again.

I was kicking myself for not asking Curtis for a photo after the accident, you know, with the adrenaline rushing, getting a tow truck, filling out the police report, saying goodbye to my new car. I also looked and smelled a hot mess and was trying really hard to not act star-struck, so a picture wasn't a priority.

So, I think the universe worked its magic and put us back in one spot so I could get my picture! But more importantly, so I could thank him once again for his help and for this great story he's given me.

After his game, while the Zamboni was flooding my brother's game I caught him as he walked out the door, he remembered me and actually said his friend Mason Raymond (another Calgary Flames alum) was flipping through the stations when he heard me telling my story about Curtis. Pretty cool, hey? 

His wife Tanya had also seen my blog so Curtis was well aware that I was telling the entire world the coolest thing that's ever happened to me! 

It's crazy how small the world actually is, or Alberta anyways, but I'm so happy my family and I got the chance to thank him again and that I got my photo y'all! 



So, thanks for the fun story Curtis and thanks to everyone for following along!

~ ShayneÂ