Alberta's worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has launched a new campaign to help give voices to Alberta's workers.

The campaign, Diversify Alberta, is helping workers in Alberta have a platform where they can tell decision-makers about all of their concerns, hopes, and preferences as the global economy changes.

"As it stands right now, we have one camp saying, ‘shut it all down’ and another camp saying, ‘drill baby, drill,'" explained AFL president Gil McGowan in a media release back in February. "From our perspective, this is not a constructive way to approach the conversation. Albertans understand that change is coming and that we need to prepare for it or run the risk of being left behind. That’s what the Diversify Alberta campaign is all about. The politicians and the pundits have been talking non-stop -- it’s time for Alberta workers to have their say."

The AFL had worked alongside unions that represent working Albertans in the province's oil and gas, construction, and manufacturing sectors to create a report that, if followed, would act as an economic blueprint that would help Alberta to flourish in the ever-changing world.

They have called the report, 'Skate to Where the Puck is Going'.

"We understood that we can’t control changes in the global economy, but we can control how we respond to them. Our goal is to keep as many people working in our traditional industries as possible, for as long as possible, while at the same time pivoting towards new opportunities in the lower-carbon economy," McGowan added in the media release.

This report was initially created to lobby governments, but now they will be using it to start conversations with workers across the province.

"We know Albertans support diversification, but we want to know if what we’ve outlined in the report is what they’d like to see. And we’re going to take what we hear from workers and bring it to decision-makers at all levels. Doing nothing is not an option. And neither is leaving workers out of the conversation," McGowan says.

Because the AFL wants input on their report, part of their campaign is hosting town halls across the province, and they will be heading down to Southern Alberta shortly.

There will be one in Nanton at the Nanton Memorial Centre on March 19 and one in Okotoks at the Foothills Centennial Centre on March 20.

For the full list of meetings, and to register for one, head over to the Diversify Alberta website.