It's getting warmer, people are outside and the bees are buzzin'!!

That's exactly what we are talking about with one half of the team there at the Chinook Honey Company! Of course we are talking with Cherie Andrews! We talk about how they got their start, a little about how they found each other AND we talk about those wonderful little pollinators that call Alberta home! 

BEE sure to stick around till the end! We talk about some common myths and facts about these little eusocial flying insects we call bees!

theeagleokotoks · SPOTLIGHT - 28 - Chinook Honey Company

p.s. I got the chance to BEE a part of the Backstage with the Bees and I cannot recommend it enough! It's truly unreal and one of a kind!


Kindly Stolen from their website!

Chinook Honey Company

It all started as a beekeeping hobby in 1995 with just two hives on a small acreage south of Calgary, Alberta. For Art Andrews the bees not only pollinated his garden but also provided stress relief from his full time job as an airline pilot. Assisted by his wife Cherie, the tiny apiary quickly expanded.

Since 2007 both Art and Cherie have both been working full time at their Chinook Honey Company ‘retirement’ jobs. Whether it’s beekeeping, hosting tour groups, bottling mead, working behind the till or in front of a computer, their passion shines through. By keeping the business small and personal every visitor can expect the best service, top quality honey products and a valuable learning experience.

Find more about them on their website!

Chinook Honey Company

