Silly Walking Incoming!!

With all the warm weather we had and with the continued double digits on the horizon, it's amazing to see what people in the foothills are doing to keep occupied while taking in that sweet sweet Alberta sun! 

I saw something come across my social media... It was a husband and wife couple in front of a house. They were obviously reading a sign with a perplexed look on their faces. After a minute the wife SKKIPPS across the sidewalk like she was 10 again!

The rabbit hole began! I fell down a spiral of silly walks and smiles! That's all they really want are smiles. "I personally feel like this world we need more laughter so that was kind of the main inspiration behind it is just getting people to laugh and be silly," says Alyssa Jodoin the creator behind the sign. "I mean even if you're not wanting to do a walk or anything like that it still puts a smile on people's face and again that was that's the main goal is making people smile."

The Ministry Of Silly Walks (Okotoks Chapter) is up and running in the Sheep River neighbourhood! I got the chance to chat with Alyssa Jodoin! (the wonderful Okotokian running the whole thing) Take a listen below.

theeagleokotoks · Silly Walks for a Silly Time!

p.s. Her birthday is coming up on the 6th!! "I'm going to put in an extra sign out there for my birthday and hopefully I get more silly walks. That's my only wish for my birthday is everyone who walks by needs to do a silly walk!"


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