Bans on single-use plastic have been discussed locally and nationally, with the Federal government saying they plan to outlaw the material as soon as 2021.

Despite Okotoks' directions in environmental sustainability, there are currently no plans to institute a local ban on single-use plastics.

Paul Lyons, Waste Services Manager for Okotoks says so far the Town has succeeded at selling the plastic recycled at the Okotoks Ecocentre.

"(The plastics) are being sent out, and they're making products like park benches, and plastic lumber," he said. "Products that are useable. That to me is part of our responsibility until we get to the stage where we can phase (plastic) out totally."

Lyons says moves from major retailers to curb single-use plastic bags are positive moves for the environment.

"Anything that is going to help the environment should be viewed as a positive step. Whether we ban plastic film, or find ways to manage the other plastic products we still produce, I think it will help."

He says single-use plastic bans can help the Town, as they provide information on the effectiveness of such initiatives.

While the federal government could institute its plastic ban next year, Lyons says that residents also play a big part in helping push sustainable environmental practices by recycling products at the Ecocentre, or in their blue bins.

"As we work together, we can affect the positive change that we need. And then, if the ban is a final step, I would say that Okotoks would be investigating to see what impact it would have on our residents, on surrounding communities, and on the environment."


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