Merry Christmas!! (is it too early to say that?) 
It's time for another great Christmas promotion to get that heart of your all warm and fuzzy! 

We have partnered up with St Nick this year to bring Christmas to your house a little early this year. 
Nominate your kids or friends and Santa’s little elves will bring you a personalized Christmas package RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR!

Naughty or nice, we can get you and your family excited for this Christmas season! Just click the HERE to get started!

Phone Calls with Santa is brought to you by our good friends over at 

Foothills Animal Hospital, 
Canadian Tire, 
Fountain Tire,
Toms House of Pizza,
Calaway Park,
Dreamwest Homes and
Okotoks Ford!

Thank you to all our partners for making "Phone calls with Santa" amazing!! 

~Team Eagle