An Okotoks youth won gold in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament last week.

12 year-old Zoe Irving of Okotoks knocked off three competitors in her class with three straight tap-outs at the True North competition in Edmonton.

Irving's coach Anderson Goncalves says it's her impressive ability to stay calm in tense moments that makes her an impressive competitor.

"A lot of competitors, both kids and adults get nerve-wracked," Goncalves says. "Looking at her you can see how calm she is."I was watching some other adults and they were so nervous, and you could tell right away. But with her? You talk to her, and she's so good with the pressure."

Though she only started training last fall, the True North competition marked her third gold medal of 2019.

"She's so focused, and she's so interested in learning, and she's tough," Goncalves said.

"She's dedicated and she's a hard-worker. She watches video and she asks questions."

Next up, Irving will head to Blackfalds and Red Deer for two more competitions in 2019.


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