If you thought you saw grown adults running around Ethel Tucker Park on broomsticks Thursday afternoon, your eyes weren't deceiving you.

Members of the Okotoks Arts Council were running through the game of Quidditch in preparation for their upcoming Wizarding World of Okotoks event in October.

Chair of the event Katie Fournell was among those that played.

She says it was a fun way to ensure they had the rules down pat, and knew what kind of mischief they were managing, before running the tournament in October.

Quidditch teams will be entered as teams of 7, and it is the hopes of the organizers that participants will get creative with their costumes and names.

The sport is similar to dodge ball, handball and features some similar rules as basketball or lacrosse.

The point of the game is score points by having your chasers throw the quaffle ball through one of the three hoops on the opponents end.

It's not as easy as it sounds though, as two beaters on the team control the bludger balls, and they will be aiming to take the chasers out of the game briefly by hitting them.

Seekers from both teams will patrol the field until the golden snitch is spotted, and then it turns into a war to reach and claim the snitch first, giving your team an extra 30 points and ending the game.

Quidditch was invented by Harry Potter Author, J.K. Rowling as a sport from the wizarding world usually played on brooms, flying through the air.

With a little magic and luck, the Okotoks Arts Council will have the team registration open shortly for the October tournament.

Anyone at any experience level is welcome to enter a team, as official rules and referees will explain the game upon registration and again the day of the tournament.

For more information on the Wizarding World of Okotoks event, click here.

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