Two women from communities northwest of Edmonton are entering the Alberta 4-h Hall of Fame.

Dorothy Carlson from Cherhill and Sherry Howey from Valleyview are the 82nd and 83rd inductees.

Provincial Agriculture Minister Oneil Carlier says they exemplify the selflessness and dedication of 4-H volunteers, and stand as an example of how generations of Albertans continue to value and contribute to the 4-H program in the province.

Dorothy Carlson became involved in the 4-H program as a 4-H parent and has never looked back. She is a constant promoter of teamwork, and her inspiring leadership and her continuing mentorship of youth has allowed 4-H members from her club to grow and develop into strong community leaders.

Sherry Howey joined 4-H as a youth member and quickly developed skills as a competent and inspiring speaker. As an adult she continues to use these skills as an educator and as a promoter of 4-H, encouraging youth to continue to learn by doing.

Candidates for the hall are nominated by their 4-H peers and are evaluated based on their demonstrated leadership qualities, community references and contributions to 4-H, agriculture and their local communities.

November is 4-H month.