More people are starting to get out now that restrictions have been lifted and more are expected as spring approaches.

Curator at the Museum of the Highwood in High River, Irene Kerr says there's a new exhibit coming up that'll show off the mountains.

"It all started when I found this incredible film by Don King, who is a former curator of the museum and a lot of High River people may remember Don King, pretty amazing guy really, he left us this wonderful film where he went hiking back in the 40s with some other people, him and his buddies used to go every year and he actually hauled some film equipment along and he actually shows Highway 40 as a dirt road so that kind of inspired me to do this exhibit."

There's also a photo exhibit being put together for spring and summer visitors to the museum.

Kerr says things have really changed from 50 and 60 years ago.

"Back then you had to take the picture, you had to send away the film and it was pretty exciting waiting for that film to come back and sometimes you got nothing back and sometimes it would be pretty amazing."

Kerr thanked Doug Elliott for raising $800 for the museum by getting a brand new coiffed look.