Hey there!

Just checkin in to make sure you're doing okay?

We are now one year, one month, and six days into "three weeks to flatten the curve" and though we try really hard to focus on positives to keep us going, we'd be lying if we said we weren't dealing with some sort of struggle every single day.

I mean look at the last 48 hours. New restrictions closing businesses and in-class learning once again announced on Tuesday and a new vaccine rollout plan that has almost everyone in the province eligible on Wednesday.

It's an emotional roller coaster ride to say the VERY least.

SO here's your daily reminder to take time for YOU today...and there's no better time to focus on your mental health than Mental Health Week!

After Tuesday's announcement, I couldn't help think about all the businesses that are really going through it right now (as well as MANY others of course) so I wanted to make sure they knew about their resources within the Foothills...*ENTER PAMELA MORGAN*.

Pamela and her team over at HeadStrong provide mental health services to entrepreneurs and businesses within the Foothills and they understand the importance of putting your mental health first.

Pamela, why is it so important to have weeks like this to prioritize our mental well-being? 

I love that, it IS a lifestyle. And tell us about some of these amazing services HeadStrong provides:

Now I know these services are directed at business owners and such but the podcasts and Facebook Lives your team does, can anyone join those to help get some tips/advice on mental health?

What's something you have picked up for yourself when it comes to mental health since your launch earlier this year?

 Such great tips! Thanks so much, Pamela =)

It's always important to take moments or days to make sure you're mentally strong and if you're maybe more stubborn to the idea (because of past stigma's we are breaking down!) or maybe don't recognize the signs here are some tell tales:

➢ You’re more disorganized than usual.

➢You’re overly emotional.

➢ You’re having trouble concentrating.

.➢ You’re feeling physically sick.

.➢ Others notice that you’re not yourself:  If the people around you begin making comments — such as seeing if you need help or asking if you’re doing OK — it may mean it’s time to ask yourself the same questions.

Take care of yourselves! And remember Mental Health shouldn't be a priority for JUST this week or JUST this month. It needs to be a priority ALWAYS! 

To learn more about HeadStrong click HERE. 



Kanye West once said "You know I'm sensitive, I got a gentle mental" and now that's what I say to myself when I'm having a bad day mentally and it always cheers me up for some reason, silly I know. lol.