It's been 5 weeks since we started isolating. That's a lonnnnngg time to be spending with just yourself, your partner, your kids, OR anyone that you're living with in just one house!

So in these 5 weeks what have you learned about yourself or these people?

I mean, you've had a lot of time to reflect that's for sure! lol.

Personally, I have learnt a few things:

1. I like working better from the station (I miss all those shining faces at the Eagle 100.9).😍

2. The walls in my house are VERY thin. (I live with a roommate and can hear him sing like 24/7 now that we are both at home - THANK GOD HE'S A GOOD SINGER.)😅

3. I am better at being alone than I thought I would be! Definitely was worried when this all went down but I am learning to love my own company!

What are some things isolation has unveiled to you during this time!? They can be about yourself, or your partner (maybe you've learned a new irritating habit of theirs 🙈 lol) or maybe you've learned something about your child that's blown you away! 😮

Share them in the comments on Facebook and I'll add them to this blog!


You guys had some really great answers to my "What has isolaton taught you?" question.

They were all so great I had to share them all!  😌

- Stephanie Parker says, "I have learned that my work really does mean the world to me and being unable to do it is heartbreaking. Also I am a rubbish kindergarten teacher 🙈 (And we watch so much Peppa pig, I now say things like rubbish...🐷)" LOVED THIS ANSWER. Too much Peppa Pig will do that to ya! haha.

- Dianne-Ray Blezy says "As a senior, I find myself being more cautious these days. But I also feel as a mature person my life experience has helped me to handle the isolation we now find ourselves in. I have hobbies and am fortunate to have services in town like grocery delivery(thank you Sobeys!) My kids are adults with secure jobs but I do worry about them getting exposed to Covid19. One is a nurse and another is a police officer, and one works in the oil industry. Unfortunately I am disappointed with those who discount the danger of this virus. I have never seen any virus in the past that is as virulent as this one, and it scares me that some people are discounting the danger and how it can be detrimental to others who are trying their best to stay safe. I am happy that spring seems to be here and hope everyone can get out safely and enjoy some sun and warmer weather. And I pray for a vaccine because that’s the only way we can end our isolation safely. Thanks to The Eagle 100.9 for all you do!" Awe bless you Dianne! So glad you're staying safe and you and your family are doing your part to flatten the curve!

- Rosie Yanikyan says, "I am an extreme extrovert and working from home has made it quite clear that I work better at a different location. Since I work for a call centre, I enjoy the buzz of activity. I am don’t do well with the quiet or the randomness of chats. Now you have to schedule everything, and I am organizing everything in the home. It keeps me up at night to know that the work computer is there to check emails, or that I need to organize the kitchen better." Hoping you can get back into the BUZZ of things soon Rosie! As for now, make sure you're stepping away from that work computer at the end of the work day!

- Jessica Hallam says, "I learned that I should have been putting my herbs/green onions in vases on my countertops years ago." haha what a great thing to learn! Hoping all your dishes taste THAT much better now!

- Natasha Yanikyan says, "I learned that I like to share my annoyances with everyone. Including if it’s about an innocent action from someone in my house. 😂 For example my mother has decided she’d like to craft while we are in isolation. Normal rational response to quarantine but I found that irritating and mentioned it to her 😂. I don’t even know why...Lololol" HAHA I feel like isolation is quite annoying. So you're feelings are valid my friend BUT leave your poor mother to her crafts! LOL

- Chelsea Besuijen says, "I have learned some sweet new couples yoga moves, we have baked a lot of new items and brewed our own red wine already and now learning about brewing our own white wine!" OHHH couples yoga and brewing your own wine!? Y'all got it sorted over at your household! LOL

-  Kristi Burnett says, "I’ve learned as an introvert I actually like being home and my love of my job has gotten stronger! I feel we’ve all had to really band together even more since we’re all working from home 😊Although I miss the heck out of all my amazing coworkers and there are gonna be lots of HUGS when we’re all back ❤️" YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN! LOT'S OF HUGS!

Glad y'all are learning new things about yourselves and in general while isolated. Hoping the days to come are kind to you and that we are back to normal soon!

In the meantime - stay safe and make the most of your days! 😊

~Shayne on Midday 😊