Happy Canada Day! It was a fun filled day celebrating Canadas 152nd birthday today. The Town of Okotoks celebrated our country's birthday at the Okotoks Recreation Center. There were multi-cultural activities that lasted all afternoon. Filipino dancers created a lively atmosphere. Instructors led dance steps for the crowd to follow along to. For lunch, many enjoyed the ethnic food available as well as free hot dogs. Kids enjoyed the arts and crafts booth where their imaginations could go wild.  To wrap up the festivities at the Okotoks Recreation Center Mayor Bill Robertson cut the cake. There was a slice of cake for everyone to celebrate!   

Today was also the 114th running of the races at the Millarville Racetrack. There was a thoroughbred horse race, the stock horse race that local horses and riders competed in, and even a wiener dog race. Many kids partook in activities such as the three-legged race and sack racing. People enjoyed the tons of vendors set up for the Millarville Farmers Market. I enjoyed some of the amazing kettle corn that was located right by my table.

Make sure you catch the fireworks tonight at Riverside Park!

~Emma Thorn