Foothills County has declared a Municipal Agricultural Disaster.

It was decided at their June 28 meeting and is attributed to ongoing drought and crop conditions.

According to the county, 50 to 90 per cent of annual crops have been affected by the harsh growing season, which started off with limited moisture from the snowpack early on and was only worsened by extreme heat.

Some areas of the county's eastern reaches have only seen two inches of rain during this growing season.

Due to poor grazing conditions, producers have had to rely on feed to maintain their livestock or are utilizing hay fields typically reserved for winter feed.

According to the announcement from the county, areas of High River and Blackie have been affected the most. 

They noted that the declaration of a Municipal Agricultural Disaster is done to bring attention to the dire conditions for local producers and doesn't automatically bring about funding or aid from the provincial or federal government.

Last week, Vulcan County declared an Agricultural Disaster, as has the County of Stettler.