A lot of businesses have had to pivot to stay relevant over the last couple years because of the pandemic.

Community Futures Highwood has reached out with a program that aims to help them thrive in the online marketplace.

The Digital Economy Program has received money so it can continue to offer the program through to September of 2024.

Cayla Eskesen with Community Futures says they run the Digital Service Squad in conjunction with the government of Alberta.

"It offers 10 to 12 hours of free one-on-one support for businesses owners that are trying to get online or are trying to grow their social media, get some extra engagement or need help with search engine optimization and even some web support, so it's offered to any business in rural Alberta at no cost," she explains.

She says the idea of helping businesses adapt and improve their online presence grew out of the pandemic.

"Afterward so many businesses needed to get online but felt like they were kind of left behind in the process of that and so this relationship is to help business owners and offer them training as well so they can sustain their efforts even after the program is done."

Ursula Sherwood, Executive Director of CFH, expressed her enthusiasm for the program’s extension, stating, "I am so pleased that the DEP was extended until September 2024. This is a great resource for our local business owners and is provided free of charge. We love hearing how businesses have been changing and growing because of this program."

Business owners can sign up and complete the initial digital assessment at www.digitalmainstreet.ca/alberta or contact CFH directly for more information and to set up a meeting.