Oh, New Years'!! 

Unfortunately... as with most things this year, the current enhanced public health orders have cancelled the annual Turner Valley New Year’s Eve event. This usually brings hundreds down to take in the sights and fireworks. 

We, however, wanted the party to still happen! 

We’ve come up with an alternative plan that will celebrate it virtually through a family dance party and variety show presented by us (Eagle 100.9) on the Town of Turner Valleys YouTube channel. It will feature music from a local band and a number of contests based on videos sent in.

One part of our show we want you to help out with is the New Year’s Eve greetings! 
We want you!!  
Send us a 30-second video of you, your family and/or your cohort group dancing along to your favourite song!
Or your funniest, family-friendly joke.
The best dancers and jokes will be featured during our virtual celebrations and can win some amazing prizes!

Send your stuff to logan.coutts@goldenwest.ca

The party starts at 6:30 pm on the 31st on the Town of Turner Valley's YouTube page!
Find it HERE