Thank you to everyone that took part in the AMAZING celebration that took place last Thursday! 
We teamed up with the Town of Turner Valley to bring a New Year party to the foothills! 

The Diamond Valley Virtual New Years Party! 

With Magic by Malcolm Russel, music by Taken By Sanity and guest appearances by YOU!!
If you missed the celebration, be sure to check it out and dance along. 

Prizes were handed out to some of the best jokes, dances and messages that got sent to us! we got so many sent in that it actually started to slow down the stream!! (whoops!) 

Videos just like this!! 

Thank you to everyone involved!

-Chuckwagon Cafe, Country Food Mart, Ok Tire Black Diamond, Town of Turner Valley, PharmaSave Black Diamond, Planet Auto.

Especially the winners!! 

 -Alicia Freeman

-Chelsea Vogal

-Shawna Way 

-Kelch Family


 -Edith and Greta

-Felicity Meng 



Thank you for watching!  
Here's to 2021!