It's a day that touched lives across the country and around the world. 

April 6th, 2020 marks the second anniversary of the 2018 Humboldt Broncos bus crash. 
Today at 12 pm the City of Humboldt’s web site will be hosting a virtual tribute at

Provincial Orders set forth due to the COVID-19 pandemic have prevented the city in proceeding with its original plan. That plan was to create a temporary special exhibit comprised of a representation of the many creative and unique memorabilia items that were received in the days, weeks and months that followed the tragedy.

Monday, April 6th, 2020 is known now as “2017-18 Humboldt Broncos Day” in the City of Humboldt and encourages all citizens to observe a moment of silence, no matter where they may be, at the same time.

April 7th will mark the second Green Shirt Day across Canada. The day intends to encourage Canadians to register to become organ donors.

Discover Humboldt posted a message of hope which you can read here, and a memorial for the lives lost which can be found here