The 2021 edition of the River City Classics Show and Shine is still very much a go.

Chair of the event Tracy Cuffe says she's heard some rumours it wasn't going to happen but that's incorrect.

"I'm hearing that people are saying that the car show isn't a go because of a lack of volunteers, I'm hearing that we have capped the number of registrations which is also not true, that it's not a go because of COVID, so a few things like that are being spread out there."

She says they've received approval for the event from AHS because it's outdoors and they are taking a number of steps to make it as safe as it can be.

"It's an outdoor event and it's a public event so there are no limits on the number of people, we just have to make sure that our cars are spread far enough apart and we're going to encourage people to remain two metres apart from other cohorts and other people, we encourage masks strongly but of course that is something that is your choice, we are keeping our vendors spaced apart and we're going to have signs throughout the car show just reminding people to keep your distance from other people," Cuffe says.

The 101 Centre, Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society is working with the car club and Eamon's Garage to make the event happen.

The 18th annual Show N Shine is in downtown High River from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday Sept. 26.


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