An above average week of calls for the Okotoks Fire Department in this week's Fire Report.

Fire Services had 19 different responses during last week.

Okotoks Fire Chief Ken Thevenot

Fire Chief Ken Thevenot says the calls included one small fire in the area.

"We responded to five alarm system activations, two gas leaks, eight medical responses, three motor vehicle accidents and we also had a grass fire," he says.

On top of their day to day operations, Thevenot says they welcomed a plethora of guests to the Milligan Drive Fire Station.

"We had 160 kids for a fire safety talk with 14 adults. We did 14 different training exercises for fire extinguishers and had a home inspection as well."

Thevenot says the department has emphasized on more training to youth when it comes to using a fire extinguisher properly and their new electronic extinguisher set-up can do exactly that.

"We've used diesel fuel and then we used another extinguisher prop but everything was always outside and it always left a mess where now we can do it electronically and the prop that we do have gives the same sensation of using using real fire extinguishers."

If you'd like to learn how to run an extinguisher correctly stop by the Fire Department to set-up a training lesson.

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